Saturday 27 November 2010

Karachi Hijab

Jilbab di Arena Asia Games 2010

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GUANGZHOU--Di negaranya, anggota tim kriket Pakistan nyaris anonim. Sambutan bagi mereka tak segegap-gempita tim kriket pria -- yang umumnya para pemainnya disejajarkan dalam barisan selebritas.

Namun, kondisinya kali ini mungkin akan berbeda. Tim kriket putri Pakistan yang berseragam hijau itu, menyumbang emas pertama dalam delapan tahun ini bagi negaranya. Tak hanya publik Pakistan yang girang, dunia pun menaruh perhatian.

“Media di negeri kami tak terlalu memberi  ruang bagi pemberitaan olahraga yang ditekuni olahragawati, beda dengan olahragawan," ujar Nida Rashid, salah seorang anggota tim. Menurutnya, banyak olahraga yang ditekuni kaum Muslimah di Pakistan, seperti squash, tenis meja, dan bola voli. "Tapi mereka sangat jarang diekspos media."

Di ajang Asian Games, pesta olahraga negara-negara Asia yang populasi penduduknya meliputi dua pertiga warga dunia, kaum wanita mulai mendapatkan porsi. Sebelumnya, ajang ini didominasi atlet pria.

Pakistan datang ke Guangzhou dengan 25 atlet Muslimah dari total 169 atlet. Mereka berpartisipasi di cabang kriket, judo, menembak, squash, dan berlayar.

Iran mengirimkan tim atlet Muslimah antara lain untuk ajang pertandingan kabaddi. Mereka yang seluruhnya mengenakan tutup kepala unggul atas tim Taiwan dengan skor 62-18.

Sedangkan Afghanistan mengirimkan tujuh olahragawati dari 67 anggota delegasinya, kontras dengan Arab Saudi yang tak mengirim satupun atlet perempuan. Sebagai perbandingan, Cina mengirimkan 458 olahragawati dan 507 olahragawan.

"Banyak yang harus kami kerjakan untuk ini, termasuk izin keluarga agar bisa mewakili negara di berbagai ajang olahraga," kata Basma Ahmad Essa, atlet taekwondo dari Uni Emirat Arab. Islam, katanya, membebaskan umatnya untuk berkarya di berbagai bidang, termasuk olahraga.

Essa, 26 tahun, bukan tanpa "perjuangan" menjadi atlet seperti saat ini. Ia merasakan jatuh bangun membangun tim taekwondo wanita negaranya, mulai dari belajar ke berbagai negara yang menerapkan ilmunya dalam tim mereka. Puncaknya, ia dan timnya berhasil mengalahkan tim Nepal. "Sungguh membahagiakan," ujarnya.

Mereka bermain dengan tetap mengenakan jilbabnya. "Ini menunjukkan bahwa kewajiban agama dapat hidup berdampingan dengan olahraga," kata Maryam Ahmed Al-Suweid, anggota tim bola tangan Qatar. Walau timnya kalah dari Taiwan dan Kazakhstan, namun ia bangga  bisa berpartisipasi dalam ajang ini.

Presiden Olympic Council of Asia, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, menyatakan 80 percen negara partisipan dalam ajang Asian Games 2010 mengirimkan atlet perempuan, tak terkecuali negara-negara Muslim. "Beberapa di antara mereka, ini adalah yang pertama," ujarnya. 
Red: Siwi Tri Puji B

Turkish Hijab Styles

Opini: Fashion, keindahan dan iman di balik jilbab Islam

Since hundreds of years ago, it is being pretended by the mainstream media and secular governors that Islamic peaceful rules for daily life and clothing are means to restrict the personal freedoms and violate the privacy of people. is it really true?
Since hundreds of years ago, it is being pretended by the mainstream media and secular governors that Islamic peaceful rules for daily life are means to restrict the personal freedoms and violate the privacy of people. Undoubtedly, there are thousands of credulous people around the world who simply believe these lies and accept what they see and read without thinking about it or estimating its validity. The main problem is not the hostile advertisements of those who want to blame a "soft crusade" against Islam. That is because their duty is to provide an altered view of this religion and they are being paid for. The complexity emerges when ignoramus people who rely on their "hearings" rather than their "witness" and their "intellect", get used to conclude about Islam and its teachings based on what they watch and hear from an American TV, American commentator during a 4 or 5 minutes American TV program. So the main anxiety of 21st century is the dissolving esteem of "thinking" among the "masses of people", the value of study and learning being ignored and replaced by the "oral knowledge" which is totally baseless. For instance, when people believe what they watch in a so-called documentary Fitna the movie without knowing anything about the personality and quiddity of Islam and even without reading the Holy Quran for one time, we can just express unfortunately that illiteracy and nescience is spreading through the world in the era which is called the era of knowledge and communication. But does the increasing influence of mass media and growing science assist the different layers of people to confront with unawareness and ignorance? Or it just helps to waste the human energy and our daily time in addition to costing other damages to our knowledge, perceptions and intelligence? The black propaganda comes to its highest level in the issue of Islamic Hijab and Islamic dressing codes which the western media effort to change it into a source of controversy and it has so many reasons. The clearest reason to mention about the radices of western media counterfeiting the reality of Islamic Hijab and fabricate their own facts about it is the historical willingness of western powers to blot the cultural and religious identity of Muslim people.

They know Hijab is what protects the originality and nobility of Muslim females and that is why the west tries to tamper the image of Hijab in mass media so that the westernized trends will be increased among Muslim nations and pessimistic senses will be hiked. In the other words, western powers are attempting to fade out the Hijab as a symbol of Islamic culture and civilization, settling their nihilistic monarchy through the Muslim nations by declaiming anti-Islamic slogans As you may know, Hijab is not a religious rule exclusive to Islam and it was common between Christianity, Jew and Zoroastrianism but they have forgotten it and today those are just Muslims who respect this historical custom. 
They know Hijab is what protects the originality and nobility of Muslim females and that is why the west tries to tamper the image of Hijab in mass media so that the westernized trends will be increased among Muslim nations and pessimistic senses will be hiked. In the other words, western powers are attempting to fade out the Hijab as a symbol of Islamic culture and civilization, settling their nihilistic monarchy through the Muslim nations by declaiming anti-Islamic slogans As you may know, Hijab is not a religious rule exclusive to Islam and it was common between Christianity, Jew and Zoroastrianism but they have forgotten it and today those are just Muslims who respect this historical custom.
This opinion article was written by an independent writer. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily intended to reflect those of